Friday, October 3, 2014

How To Get Over A Guy in 10 Days

Since a vast majority of my friends have been going through breakups, I have come up with…..

Lacey’s New and Improved rules for a breakup.. or non breakup for all us people who have been  in that non-relationship (you know, where it’s like a relationship in every way except for the fact that it’s not…okay maybe that was only in my head... or not.)

1.)    Don’t immediately agree to stay friends  
      Congrats! You finally worked up the courage to high tail it out of a not-so-ideal situation or someone made that decision for you. Either way, this is a POSITIVE. Now, the worst thing you can do for yourself is to say, “hey yeah! We can totally still be friends! I’m so chill, it’s cool! I’m so chill in fact that my heart isn't even beating..and I’m like that girl in Frozen.” Said no completely sane-and-thinking-straight person EVER.. don’t forget about the most important word in your situation BREAK.. if you can be friends, save it for down the road.

2.)    Block/Unfriend them on Facebook  
      I know, I know, we’re all adults here right? So you can totally still be FB Buddies right? Yes, that sounds all well and good until you see Joe Misshim with his arm around that brunette who (you think.. but isn’t really)  20x hotter than you and you suddenly feel like now is a good time to go jump off 50ft bridge over 2 feet of water… Friends can always be re-added, but It takes time to heal from a blow to your self-confidence while you are trying to heal from... well, a blow to your self-confidence. Just do yourself a favor and put the blinders on.

3.)    If you feel like you NEED to, HAVE to get drunk, call your besties and have a girls night 

4.)    If you feel the urge to drunk dial or text your ex (or non-ex, whatever), have your girlfriend throw your phone in a fire pit, volcano, or anything flammable really  
      Because I’m pretty sure that’s the only way to destroy a Samsung Galaxy….

5.)    Take up a High intensity workout  
      You can do yoga once the mad/sad/RAGE is out. For now, work through that shit with some kick boxing, intense running, or something of the such. Not only will the endorphins lift your mood, you’ll feel better and look hot for all those super hot new hotties that will be flocking your way.

      Rehashing it with your best friend one night is therapeutic.. anything after that is just self-inflicted torture. You said it, you got it out.. move on.

7.)    Rebound once, with Channing Tatum... or with that guy who looks like him..or two of him maybe? But only once!! 
     ....And then take a breather and focus on yourself.

8.)    Be single for a while  
      The best way to get over a relationship does not happen to be by getting into another right away. Trust me, when the next one fails.. it will just bring with it all your unresolved issues from the previously unsuccessful relationship. Deal with yourself, then when you’re truly ready to open up and share yourself again and experience life with someone else (who you will absolutely under no circumstances compare them to or blame them for the actions of someone else) then do so. 

9.)    Sulk and pamper yourself at the same time  
       Because you won't get around your emotions without actually dealing with them so go get your nails done while you bask in your saddness, or a massage, or take a hot bath with a glass of wine. Win-win!

10.)  Trash the Ben and Jerry’s 
       eating high calorie sugary shit will not make you feel hot, and you want to feel hot right now…

11.) Don’t plot to get him back  
     Because it’s pathetic. Sorry if I just hurt your feelings, but it is. Don’t waste time trying to get HIM back, productively use your time to get YOURSELF back in check, you super hot, hottie!

12.)  Stop Blaming Yourself, and Him Too  
      Yes you’re pretty enough, smart enough, awesome enough etcetera.. it just didn't work! Don’t blame yourself, don’t blame him. The truth is, both of you had some fault in the demise of your relationship. It’s unhealthy to focus on blame rather than just realizing, it probably wasn't right.

13.)  Don’t Stop Yourself from moving on  
      Is there a possibility he might realize how much he needs you and come back? Of course! There’s also a chance I’ll win the lottery next week but it’s not even by a margin of reality a safe or strategic bet. The only smart bet in this situation is you moving on and being happy because that’s what WILL in fact happen as long as you stop dwelling in the past.

I’ll stop there… 13 seems appropriate since it’s my lucky number ;-)
Hope this finds you all well and this is just something you can store in your memory file for the future or get a good laugh out of. But if not, you should totally come drink with me ;-)