ah politics. They make the world go round.... really they do. They also have been known to raise blood pressure, cause heart attacks, split families in half and of course most popular of all spark great debates that sometimes end in people not speaking to eachother for years. I used to keep very quiet about my political views. As early as this past summer, when asked whom i was voting for or about my political views, I told a close friend of mine that they were of a personal matter and something i did not care to discuss. Well, I guess out of lack of things to do i have become very openly opinionated about my stance in the world of politics (as you can probably see by reading this blog.). Anyways, reading the news this morning I came across something Obama said that may or may not be a direct attack on Sarah Palin's comment, "What's the difference between a pitt bull and a hockey mom? Lipstick" (by the way, as the proud owner of sorts of a pitt bull, i feel this comment lacks the effect she was going for because you see, my pitt bull is friendly, always happy/excited, likes to jump a lot, and above all things-is pretty dumb.... sounds more like an eager highschool/college girl than a force to be reckoned with to me.)
Anyways, Obama had this to say at his speech in Lebanon, VA the other night: “John McCain says he’s about change, too. Except – and so I guess his whole angle is, ‘Watch out, George Bush, except for economic policy, health-care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl Rove-style politics. We’re really gonna shake things up in Washington.’ That’s not change. That’s just calling some – the same thing, something different. You can put lipstick on a pig; it’s still a pig. You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called change. It’s still going to stink. After eight years, we’ve had enough of the same old thing.”
IMO, it does not sound like an attack in the context given. Taken out of context, maybe. It looks more like an unfortunate choice of words following so closely behind Palin's speech at the RNC. But either way, it is the world of politics... its not pretty, people have been known to play dirty. Oh, and also, it's NOTHING compared to the rutheless campaign adds and comments McCain himself has made about Obama, so why all the whining?
VA's fine Rep. Thelma Drake (R), whom I've never been a fan of by the way for obvious reasons, had this to say in response to Obama's speech: “Rather than delivering on his promise of hope and change, Barack Obama sunk to a new low with his remarks today regarding Gov. Sarah Palin." She went on to conclude “It’s hard for Barack Obama to paint himself as the agent of change if he harbors the same mindset that Sarah Palin, and millions of women just like her, have been fighting against their whole lives.”
Wow. Let's pull the woman card again. Isn't it hilarious that when Hillary was running for president all these political (primarily Repulican) types were all saying how degrading it was to women to pull the woman card? I don't know about ya'll but i never feel I've had to fight against adversity this day and age as a female. All they've been doing since Palin got on the ballad is pulled the female card and everything is suddenly "sexist". The GOP has done pretty much all it can to make us feel sympathetic toward Palin. I understand we women would LOVE to see a female in the VP and some day President seat, but if McCain is elected based on the want for "Girl Power" this will have been the stupidest most uneducated election ever.
Don't get me wrong though, I think everything that Sarah Palin stands for in the females eye is great. A woman rasing a family and publicly facing a bit of a family crisis is admirable. But the only thing i ask people do is listen to what she has to say politicaly. not just that she's a hockey mom. If you really agree with hers (AND MCCAIN'S-REMEMBER THAT'S THE BIG ONE) political point of view, then by all means please vote for them. But if not, don't vote based on gender and circumstance.. then you're just playing into the same act that same party preached again when Hil was in the running for president. You wouldn't want to be a hypocrit now would you?
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