Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quick update since its been so long

Wow. It’s been a while since I updated this thing! Well I don’t really know what to say. Life has been pretty peachy. I have nothing new and exciting to update on really. This weekend was pretty awesome however. Friday night I chilled out at my brothers. Nothing new there! Saturday we got up, got dressed went out to the Home Brew store to buy ingredients for a new beer my brother wanted to brew. Went by the parents house talked to them for a little bit. Then we went out to off shore w/ some people for dinner. We went back home and everyone from Off Shore came with, my friend Dylan came over with some of his home brews, and then the guys brewed away! It was a super awesome night! Got to catch up w/ Dyl, which I hadn’t done in a while I fell down the stairs and hurt my butt and my ego lol then Sunday we all went to Busch Gardens w/ my mom, my dad, Katie, Lane, Aunt Donna, Melissa, DJ and Princess P (Peyton).

This week at work has been pretty nuts. It’s hot one second then cold the next (busy then slow). I prefer when I’m just busy non-stop. It makes the day go by a hella lot faster. I’ve got less than a month till I’m legally an adult no matter how you look at it! Yay. I’ve decided that I’m celebrating my 21st at Granby Theater. I asked Dyl if he was coming out for my birthday and he told me that he was in a DJ battle at the theater that night and that I should go there to party, so I thought that was absolutely perfect! Ringing in my 21st at my favorite club (not to mention VA’s most elite club.) w/ my favorite local DJ’s (aka friends) Battling it out! It’s like the night was set up just for me to get all dressed up, dance all night, while listening to my boys spin my favorite tracks! I really do live a charmed life. Any-hoo I gotta jet outta here. It’s only 1:30 but I’m gonna go ahead and get out of here. Nothing to do, might as well be at home!

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Tonight a thought crossed my mind while watching TV. More specifically, while watching the Obama speech from the Democratic Convention that I never got around to watching until tonight. Watching an ordinary man who beat the odds and came so far as to have the presidential seat in his hands, I realized a few things about myself. I want to be extraordinary, if not by society’s standards then by my own. I have very high expectations of myself and I want to live up to them. I have always been very ordinary, and that’s not for me. I won’t be unoriginal. Unoriginal and conventional never got anyone too far. This doesn’t mean I want to wear a lime green dress at an all white party. I have no desire to “stand out in a crowd”. I want to stand out to myself. I want to be the best and most successful person i can be but you can't be so without confidence and a feeling of self sufficiency. I refuse to be the person I saw starring back in the mirror a year ago, that girl who was a victim of her own trappings with no self-esteem and a complete lack of direction. A girl who didn’t know who she was or where she was going, I was trapped inside my own head of negative thoughts and seemingly no way out. I felt as though I would be that person forever feeling incomplete and insignificant. I will admit however, sometimes I still get down on myself. Sometimes I still make the wrong decisions and take the wrong path forgetting what I really want of myself, but I always get it back. I never want to be in a situation again where I feel like I’m trapped between four walls with no doorway to get out whether that be a relationship or the prison of my own mind. I’m a new girl now. I look at myself now and I see a familiarity looking back, I recognize that girl in the mirror. I see direction in her. I see happiness in her. I see a bright future and the woman that she will become. I can’t say I have this absolute direction like I know EXACTLY where I’m going and EXACTLY how I’m going to get there, but I see myself determined to follow my heart, and that’s all that really counts, right? I have no clue what I want to “be when I grow up” so to speak, but I know I want to finish my college education. Whether I end up with a Ph. D in Philosophy teaching at a University, or go to law school and fight/defend criminals or do corporate law, or end up in upper level management of some government contracting company, I will at least live up to my standards of extraordinary. . Some may say that is insignificant but I think that is about the most significant thing you can do with your life. I do know one thing, I will always be extraordinary in the work I do to give back to causes I believe in. I will always do everything I can, no matter how big or small it maybe to help out charitable causes. You can just feel the change happening when you get involved in something for a good cause. You feel as if you made a difference. I will always try to be a lover and not a fighter, but damn it, I will fight for that which I love. That’s what it takes to be extraordinary, and that I will be.

Michigan and Politics

Well, I am a little late on updating this but better late than never right?

My trip to Michigan this past weekend to see Matt was nothing short of wonderful. It was pretty uneventful. Just a lot of us spending time together and hanging out with a few of his friends. Friday morning we went flying and he made me sit left seat. I really didn’t do much. He tried to get my to fly the plane and I did a little bit, but not much. I was too afraid I would some how manage to kill us being the clutz that I am. After that we went home and hung out and napped all day (he brings out the lazy side of me lol) Then we went out to dinner. Then came home, watched the debate, and relaxed the rest of the night. Saturday we went out to lunch with some of his friends then hung out the rest of the day with his old roommate Nick. Cool kid, he’s from VA too J Then we went home and went to bed, then I left Sunday afternoon after lunch. It was a short trip, but it was definitely worth every penny of it. Every moment I get to spend with him is bliss. He’s the best boyfriend I could ask for. He’s my best friend, and I love him more than anything in the entire world and can’t wait until we get married and have I have ten of his babies. (j/k about the 10 kids part)

Well, in more recent news, Obama will be here Saturday! I’m excited. You know I will definitely be there! I’m not missing this one! I’m not going to jinx it and talk about how good those polls are looking because they are subject to change at any time, but I have to say I haven’t been so enthusiastic about any one politician in my entire life.

Make sure to tunes into the debates tonight to watch Sara Palin make an ass of herself what is sure to be a very interesting 90 minutes. I guess I shouldn’t down Palin though, she is a self admitted lip stick wearing pitt bull. Let’s see if she brings it as so, seeing as she couldn’t name one Supreme Court decision other than Wade v. Roe… you know the female liberating one that she fights so hard against (way to be a woman ps how about such decisions as Brown v. The board of Education, The Dred Scott Decision, Mulberry v. Madison or even more recently BUSH v. GORE!) Or her extensive foreign policy (the one where Russia is constantly invading Alaska..) Anyways I got a kick out of those things. I don’t think she is going to hold up well tonight but we will see.

Hope everyone has a great day!