Thursday, October 2, 2008

Michigan and Politics

Well, I am a little late on updating this but better late than never right?

My trip to Michigan this past weekend to see Matt was nothing short of wonderful. It was pretty uneventful. Just a lot of us spending time together and hanging out with a few of his friends. Friday morning we went flying and he made me sit left seat. I really didn’t do much. He tried to get my to fly the plane and I did a little bit, but not much. I was too afraid I would some how manage to kill us being the clutz that I am. After that we went home and hung out and napped all day (he brings out the lazy side of me lol) Then we went out to dinner. Then came home, watched the debate, and relaxed the rest of the night. Saturday we went out to lunch with some of his friends then hung out the rest of the day with his old roommate Nick. Cool kid, he’s from VA too J Then we went home and went to bed, then I left Sunday afternoon after lunch. It was a short trip, but it was definitely worth every penny of it. Every moment I get to spend with him is bliss. He’s the best boyfriend I could ask for. He’s my best friend, and I love him more than anything in the entire world and can’t wait until we get married and have I have ten of his babies. (j/k about the 10 kids part)

Well, in more recent news, Obama will be here Saturday! I’m excited. You know I will definitely be there! I’m not missing this one! I’m not going to jinx it and talk about how good those polls are looking because they are subject to change at any time, but I have to say I haven’t been so enthusiastic about any one politician in my entire life.

Make sure to tunes into the debates tonight to watch Sara Palin make an ass of herself what is sure to be a very interesting 90 minutes. I guess I shouldn’t down Palin though, she is a self admitted lip stick wearing pitt bull. Let’s see if she brings it as so, seeing as she couldn’t name one Supreme Court decision other than Wade v. Roe… you know the female liberating one that she fights so hard against (way to be a woman ps how about such decisions as Brown v. The board of Education, The Dred Scott Decision, Mulberry v. Madison or even more recently BUSH v. GORE!) Or her extensive foreign policy (the one where Russia is constantly invading Alaska..) Anyways I got a kick out of those things. I don’t think she is going to hold up well tonight but we will see.

Hope everyone has a great day!

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