Monday, August 18, 2014

I Want to Inspire The World, Here's How I Plan To Do It:

Since I was in high school, I have had a deep love for writing. It’s been an outlet of sorts to take my emotions and let them explode from my fingertips in a well thought out way rather than the reckless abandon of spewing everything I feel out of my mouth.  It’s kept me calm, it’s gotten me through the bad, celebrate the good and most of all, it’s helped me to take a moment to SEE the whole picture and deeply reflect. It’s been a pleasure to take many of you along on my ride and humbling to have you tell me how much I have inspired you. It is truly gratifying to know that sharing my life has helped the world in some way, shape or form. My only regret is that I’ve used this blog less and facebook more to share my stories and will never see those bits of writing again.. well, without a lot of digging anyways.

I’ve felt for a long time that part of my purpose here on this earth is to take this passion I have for writing and helping others and plug it into some creative outlet to help spread love and light upon the world. I’ve supplied idea’s and ghost blogged for a little over a year now but I think it’s finally time to take my dog and pony show on my own circus tour. My goal for the rest of the year is to finally start my own site to write and have people share their stories to spread love and positivity as far around the world-wide-web as we can. I have friends who are amazingly gifted writers and incredibly insightful that I feel need to have their story heard.  Will this be the next big blog? Probably not. Blogs and inspirational sites are a dime-a-dozen, but I’ll be content knowing that I tried and put myself out there. If even one life is changed, inspired or made better, it will have been well worth the effort. A seed planted and nurtured turns into a beautiful flower and makes the world a better place.

I, for one, am not the most technical writer in the world. Not even by a long shot! As I’m typing this, Microsoft Word is pointing out my distinct short comings when it comes to proper punctuation and completing an actual sentence. I hardly feel that makes a difference when you are trying to relate to your everyday, average person though. My lexicon might not be the broadest, but I feel like I’m relatable and that’s really the goal here.  In the coming weeks I will be conspiring with the great minds I have around me, see what the interest is and refining a main concept for this site. I know the goal is to inspire, but inspire what exactly? Here is a list of some things I want to cover:
1.)    Self and spiritual growth
2.)    Fitness for everyone
3.)    Creativity.. Finding your outlet
4.)    Mental health awareness
5.)    The importance of positivity
6.)    Adventures in Nature.
 What do you think? What would you like to see on there? Who would you like to see blogging? Feel free to contact me with your ideas or suggestions. J

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