Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Be Young and Careless

Appreciation for being Young and Single.

Sometimes I can't believe how much I like being by myself in some way shape or form. I'm not married (unless to my job counts), I'm not engaged, I don't have anyone to really "answer to" per se. I absolutely love coming in from a long day of work and whatever other events followed through my day, walking in the door, whipping up a quick meal for myself made solely of fresh produce, whatever spice i can find off the spice rack and cheese and eating it by the TV with a cheap glass of vino. Maybe I'm weird, but its an awesome feeling of solitude knowing I don't have to compromise or fight with anyone over the TV remote. Or how I really don't care where my love life or career is going to go exactly. I know that I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and do the same thing i do monday through friday but i have no clue where the road will take me next month or next year, and to some degree... I don't care.

So what I'll leave you guys with is try to think it through before you get all down in the dumps about being 20 or 30 something and still single. Enjoy it while it lasts and to some degree.. be a little carefree about it because the harsh truth is one day the rest of your life will be about caring. You're going to care when you fall in love and you just can't make it work. You're going to care when you got passed up for that big promotion when you knew you deserved it. You're going to care about the label on the wine you drink, how much money you're making, and where your life is going in the immediate future. So appreciate the small little things while they last. These are some of the best days of our lives- and if they're not, make the best of em!

- so i know this wasn't really food for though, but it will work ;-)

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